There is a deep pleasure in recognising that something has been made with love.

Choyun The Book

You asked - we listened. Choyun The Book is now available as a physical copy in Burgundy Red! Available for pre-order. Perfect as a Christmas gift or for those who enjoyed our ebook and want a physical reference. 

More than simply a cookbook. With over 200 pages of beautiful photography, pure thoughts and intentions. The sole intention behind this creation is to try and inspire/ignite positive shift in whatever forms, regarding how you approach your own daily practises. By making a fair evaluation of our own beliefs and values when it comes to the ways we nurture ourselves, hopefully a realignment therein begins. 

Handmade, hardcover, tabletop book with a beautiful Burgundy Red fabric cover, embossed with gold logo.

Size: A5

220 Full Colour Pages

150gsm recycled paper

Vintage woven fabric bookmark ribbon sewn into the binding. 

Comes with additional 3 x A5 photo prints, and 1 x signed, numbered A5 painting. 

Written and compiled by by Hannah Pixie Snowdon.

100% Vegan with over 40 ideas and recipes.